jueves, abril 30, 2020

Connemara's Savage Savage Beauty Highlighted - Unrale Scenes

martes, abril 28, 2020

O’Donnell Abu

Garyowen, By Celtic Stew With Lyrics

Saint Patrick's Day song

lunes, abril 27, 2020

The Night before Larry was Stretched - Frank Harte

The Night before Larry was Stretched - Frank Harte

Irish Drinking Song - Water is alright in Tay

"Cruiskeen Lawn"

The Dubliners - Sam Hall

martes, abril 21, 2020

Episode 12 Cyclops

Lectura de Cíclopes en ZOOM.

Queridos amigos:
Deseo que  vosotros  y vuestros allegados sigáis en estado de buena salud.
Comoquiera que continuaremos  en cuarentena algunos días más, la reunión presencial  del día 29 de abril, a las 19:00h, queda suspendida.
No obstante, la celebraremos en la plataforma ZOOM, el mismo día y a la misma hora.
Os enviaré,en breve, el link a ZOOM en un email con el archivo adjunto Readers&Readings.
Ruego a los lectores y músicos habituales: Bill Dixon, Chris Dove, Elena Cacedo, Morgan Fagg, Damian Gallaghuer, María Paz González, Ophelia Leon, Kate Marriage, Mal Murphy, Pilar Pastor y Andrew Walsh, que tengan la amabilidad de confirmar por este medio o por whatsapp su disponibilidad.
 Muchas gracias por vuestro apoyo continuo y, por favor, cuidaros mucho.
Un gran abrazo,

Dear friends,
I wish that you all and your loved ones remain in good health.
As we will continue on quarantine for a few more days, the face-to-face meeting on April 29, at 7:00 p.m., is suspended.
However, we will celebrate it on the ZOOM platform, on the same day and time.
I will shortly send you the link to ZOOM in an email with the attached file of Readers & Readings as well.
I ask regular readers and musicians: Bill Dixon, Chris Dove, Elena Cacedo, Morgan Fagg, Damian Gallaghuer, María Paz González, Kate Marriage, Mal Murphy, Pilar Pastor and Andrew Walsh, to kindly confirm to do it by this way or by whatsapp.
 Thank you very much for your continous support and take good care of yourself please.
A big hug and stay safe.

Sara Cantó
Bloomsday Society
The Founder

jueves, abril 16, 2020

Albert Camus - la peste

Understanding Samuel Beckett in 90 Minutes with Paul Strathern (2005)

miércoles, abril 08, 2020

Juan Ramón Jiménez: vida, obra y muerte de un Nobel de Literatura

Estoy triste y mis ojos no lloran de Juan Ramon Jimenez

Sailing to Byzantium by W.B. Yeats (read by Tom O'Bedlam)

WB Yeats No Country For Old Men SD

Juan Ramón Jiménez y W.B.Yeats

COVID-19, por Isaac Nahón Serfaty

El delicado arte de nombrar enfermedades: a propósito de COVID-19, por Isaac Nahón Serfaty