jueves, julio 28, 2016

Cernuda revisited

“Quizá mis lentos ojos no verán más el sur 
de ligeros paisajes dormidos en el aire, 
con cuerpos a la sombra de ramas como flores 
o huyendo en un galope de caballos furiosos. 
El sur es un desierto que llora mientras canta, 
y esa voz no se extingue como pájaro muerto; 
hacia el mar encamina sus deseos amargos 
abriendo un eco débil que vive lentamente. 
En el sur tan distante quiero estar confundido. 
La lluvia allí no es más que una rosa entreabierta; 
su niebla misma ríe, risa blanca en el viento. 
Su oscuridad, su luz son bellezas iguales.”

martes, julio 26, 2016

G. Cabrera Infante y Marlon Brandon en La Habana 1956

lunes, julio 25, 2016

G.Cabrera Infante

 El 11 de septiempre de 2001 releia "Tres Tristes Tigres" tumbada en la cama del Hilton de Cancún había llegado de La Havana dos días antes Cabrera y Lowry acaso joyceanos sin no sé ahora debo escribir u c d c d i santiago apostol protegeme...


Leo en el ABC cultural: Joseph Losey encargó a Cabrera Infante el guión de "Bajo el volcán" en 1972. Las líneas del artículo me hacen recordar mi estancia en Los Hamptons y la foto del escritor cubano.

Cabrera Infante y Marlon Brandon en La Habana. La rescato del archivo de fotos que saque en el Southhampton Arts Center el 25 de agosto de 2015

sábado, julio 23, 2016

L'Homme qui rit Bande annonce. Gemma de Suñer recomienda la lectura de Victor Hugo

lunes, julio 18, 2016

Jorge Luis Borges: Conferencia sobre James Joyce.

viernes, julio 15, 2016

jorge luis borges, sobre la creación literaria

Siempre Borges


jueves, julio 07, 2016

Los amigos del Irish Times nos recomiendan veinticinco títulos para leer en la playa

domingo, julio 03, 2016

Amo a Joyce, amo a El Bosco.

viernes, julio 01, 2016


(...) frseeeeeeeefronnnng train somewhere whistling the strength those engines have in them like big giants and the water rolling all over and out of them all sides like the end of Loves old sweeeetsonnnng the poor men that have to be out all the night from their wives and families in those roasting engines stifling it was today Im glad I burned the half of those old Freemans and Photo Bits leaving things like that lying about hes getting very careless and threw the rest of them up in the W C Ill get him to cut them tomorrow for me instead of having them there for the next year to get a few pence for them have him asking wheres last Januarys paper and all those old overcoats I bundled out of the hall making the place hotter than it is that rain was lovely and refreshing just after my beauty sleep I thought it was going to get like Gibraltar my goodness the heat there before the levanter came on black as night and the glare of the rock standing up in it like a big giant compared with their 3 Rock mountain they think is so great with the red sentries here and there the poplars and they all whitehot and the smell of the rainwater in those tanks watching the sun all the time weltering down on you faded all that lovely frock fathers friend Mrs Stanhope sent me from the B Marche paris what a shame my dearest Doggerina she wrote on it she was very nice whats this her other name was just a p c to tell you I sent the little present have just had a jolly warm bath and feel a very clean dog now enjoyed it wogger she called him wogger wd give anything to be back in Gib and hear you sing Waiting and in old Madrid Concone is the name of those exercises he bought me one of those new some word I couldnt make out shawls amusing things but tear for the least thing still there lovely I think dont you will always think of the lovely teas we had together scrumptious currant scones and raspberry wafers I adore well now dearest Doggerina be sure and write soon kind she left out regards to your father also captain Grove with love yrs affly Hester x x x x x she didnt look a bit married just like a girl he was years older than her wogger he was awfully fond of me when he held down the wire with his foot for me to step over at the bullfight at La Linea when that matador Gomez was given the bulls ear these clothes we have to wear whoever invented them expecting you to walk up Killiney hill then for example at that picnic all staysed up you cant do a blessed thing in them in a crowd run or jump out of the way thats why I was afraid when that other ferocious old Bull began to charge the banderilleros with the sashes and the 2 things in their hats and the brutes of men shouting bravo toro sure the women were as bad in their nice white mantillas ripping all the whole insides out of those poor horses I never heard of such a thing in all my life yes he used to break his heart at me taking off the dog barking in bell lane poor brute and it sick what became of them ever I suppose theyre dead long ago the 2 of them its like all through a mist makes you feel so old  (...)